

2022-04-15 14:48:23 浏览量:153357


After hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, human society has finally entered the modern society. Now most ethnic groups have entered the civilized society.

2022-04-15 14:46:15 浏览量:59102


All over the world, different countries have different customs, but when you come to the Middle East and Abu Dhabi, you still have to admit that there are super

2022-03-31 14:40:14 浏览量:73108


2022年3月26日,中国五老心连心艺术团总团经总团常委会研究决定,任命世界文化艺术界联合会创会主席罗华党先生为中国五老心连心(西部)艺术团总指挥,东明先生为艺术总监 、李明辉为执行团长、秦川为常务副团长、金燕梓为执行副团长、周瑜为副团长、叶小飞为演艺部长、唐诗为办公室主任,任期三年 。

2022-03-28 14:38:16 浏览量:87006

大型网络剧《艺恋人的故事》人物篇之57号 于魁智

于魁智,男,回族,著名京剧演员,工老生,研究生学历,毕业于中国戏曲学院表演系。 Yu Kuizhi, male, Hui nationality, is a famous Peking Opera actor. He graduated from the performance Department of China Academy of traditional opera with a postgraduate degree.