中国美术:拥抱新时代的艺术创造Chinese Art: the art creation of embracing the new age
最美基层干部——菊美多吉(油画) 李武 梁昊鹏 洪明川(作品选自由中国文联、中国美协、中国国家博物馆主办的“最美中国人——庆祝中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会胜利召开大型美术作品展”)
2017年的中国美术,向外走出国门、深入世界,向内深扎基层、走进乡村,既有美术展览带来的新气象,也有对助力构建人类命运共同体的使命感。2017年,党的十九大召开,中国美协举办“践行习近平文艺思想喜迎党的十九大召开——中国美协‘向人民汇报’ 10位中青年美术家‘深入生活、扎根人民’作品汇报展”向广大人民进行了汇报。在甘肃陇西、浙江桐庐等革命老区,依然能看到中国美术家们的身影,通过写生创作作品展示弘扬了中国精神……在2017年这台美术大戏中,新思维、新观念不断碰撞交流。美术界坚定了以人民为中心的创作导向,艺术家们深入生活、扎根人民,力争创作出更多无愧于时代和人民的经典作品。
1月6日, “第五届西部少数民族青年美术家创作展”在京开幕,拉开了2017中国美术的大幕。该展展出了西部各民族青年美术家最新创作的中国画、油画、版画作品60件,作品题材广泛、构思新颖、形式多样。而后,该展又先后在石家庄、太原、包头、宜兴、盘锦等地巡展。7月3日,“第六届西部少数民族青年美术家高研班写生作品展”再次在京举行。两届展览均饱有独特的民族气质,也体现了鲜明的时代特色,同时能感受到西部少数民族青年美术家的使命感和责任感,充分展示了自2011年起立项组织实施的“西部少数民族美术人才培训发展计划”的丰硕成果。
2月22日, 2017中国文联、中国美协“中国精神·中国梦——美丽乡村行”写生采风创作活动在江西老区启动,3月又相继组织70余位美术家赴甘肃陇西、浙江桐庐等革命老区,感受红色文化、重温革命记忆、体验老区新貌、感知时代变迁,创作优秀作品,展现时代风貌。5月23日, 2017中国文联、中国美协“中国精神·中国梦——美丽乡村行”写生采风作品展在京举行,展出了近百位画家的国画、油画、水彩共124件作品。作为中国文联“中国精神·中国梦”主题文艺创作工程项目之一,“中国精神·中国梦——美丽乡村行写生采风创作活动”以“中国精神·中国梦”为主题,以描绘最美乡村为创作主旨,坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的根本方向,坚持以人民为中心的创作导向,通过对中国乡村全面、具体、深入的描绘展现了社会主义新时期我国乡村风貌的变化和社会发展成果,通过写生创作作品的展览展示弘扬了中国精神。
10月11日,“践行习近平文艺思想喜迎党的十九大召开——中国美协‘向人民汇报’ 10位中青年美术家‘深入生活、扎根人民’作品汇报展”举行。为贯彻文艺工作座谈会精神,弘扬“到人民中去”的创作理念,中国美协今年启动了“深入生活、扎根人民”的采风创作计划——全国各省美协遴选出长年坚持在基层写生、创作的美术家进行推荐,最终由中国美协确定了10位美术家参加主题实践活动。他们带着课题和任务,深入基层、长时间持续写生,搜集素材进行创作,足迹横跨10个省份,总计完成了100余幅作品。这些作品充满浓郁的生活气息,饱含真挚的人民情怀。10月至12月,中国文联、中国美协又于党的十九大之后启动“送欢乐下基层”活动,组织美术家先后赴甘肃陇南、浙江丽水、云南勐腊等地写生慰问,以实际行动学习贯彻十九大精神。
6月23日,中国美协与中国文学艺术基金会共同主办的“庆祝香港回归祖国20周年——全国中国画作品展”在中国美术馆举行。为举办好此次展览,中国美协高度重视、精心筹划,并以此作为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记对文艺工作系列讲话精神的重要举措和具体实践。展览共收到全国各地的来稿作品5500余幅。经过评审,该展最终展出200余幅作品,展现了香港回归祖国的这20年里, “一国两制”和“港人治港、高度自治”伟大构想的成功实践,是对习近平总书记文艺工作座谈会重要讲话精神的落实,以艺术作品向香港回归祖国20周年献礼。与此同时,“风情丝路彩墨香江——香港回归20周年当代名家作品展”也在香港举行,反响热烈。
10月10日,由中宣部指导,中国文联、中国美协、中国国家博物馆共同主办,中国文学艺术基金会、中国文学艺术发展专项基金资助的“最美中国人——庆祝中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会胜利召开大型美术作品展”在中国国家博物馆举行。该展共展出全国、全军40余位美术名家创作的21幅油画和中国画作品,所表现的人物和事迹涵盖社会各行各业涌现的先进典型。作品或截取他们在各自工作岗位上的瞬间,或聚合他们在各自专业领域中的贡献,描绘先进典型的敬业奉献、实干担当,热情讴歌他们对中国精神的践行。参与创作的画家由艺术院校教师、画院专职画家、美协团体以及部队专业画家构成。作为中国当代美术创作的中坚力量,他们在创作中坚持“为了人民、依靠人民” ,生动书写人民实践的原则,用画作热情讴歌人民和英模的业绩,真切抒发人民和英模的情怀,作品渗透真情实感。
与此同时,中国美协还积极筹划并正式启动了“建党100周年美术创作工程”“第十三届全国美术作品展暨纪念中华人民共和国成立70周年全国美术作品展(2019) ”“纪念改革开放40周年全国美术作品展(2018) ”的前期规划和创作动员工作,力争推出一系列新面貌、新风气、新特色的优秀作品。
9月24日至10月15日,由中国文联、北京市政府和中国美协联合主办,以“丝路与世界文明”为主题的“2017 ·第七届中国北京国际美术双年展”在中国美术馆举办。本届双年展以“丝路与世界文明”为主题,是对中国“一带一路”倡议和国际社会踊跃参与的积极回应,深刻体现了本次展览对国际交流与合作的现实关切,体现了参展各方对“和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢”丝路精神的共同追求。展览有超过100个国家的艺术家参与,其中近60个是丝路沿线国家,展出作品共有600多件。参展作品围绕同一个主题,采用多样化的艺术表现形式,倾心描绘古代丝路文明遗迹、各国风土人情,倾情描摹各国人民对和平美好生活的不懈追求,在展览组织者、参与者的共同努力下,丝路风情得以精彩呈现,“丝路精神”在鉴赏交流中得以传递。其盛况可谓“百国参与、图观丝路精神亘古常新,万众参观、共享世界文明交流融合” ,故被誉为全球参与热度最高的美术双年展。9月25日,“双年展国际研讨会”在京举行。本次研讨会不仅是对“一带一路”倡议的响应和践行,同时也为国际艺术家们提供了广阔而又颇具针对性和现实意义的交流平台。在“丝路”与“世界文明”这一宏大叙事语境中,中外美术家们借助语言相互沟通,探寻东西方文明交融的脉络,拓展了双年展的学术视野。
2017年,在国家艺术基金的资助下,“中国美术世界行”展览继续走出国门、深入世界,向国外观众展现当代中华文化成果,持久地宣扬中国美术家眼中的“艺术与和平” 。5月23日,“艺术与和平——中国当代美术作品展”首展启幕罗马维托里亚诺宫,现场展出的40件国画、油画、版画、雕塑、水彩、漆画和综合材料等多种艺术形式,生动形象地诠释了中华民族“以和为贵”的价值观和中国人民对和平、和谐生活的美好向往与不懈追求。6月29日,中国美协“感知中国·艺术与和平——中国当代美术作品展”到访芬兰,吸引了大批芬兰观众。7月5日,“感知中国·最美中国人——中国美术作品展”在德国柏林开幕,展览展出了76幅中国人物画,构成了最美中国人的精神群像,使德国观众得以全方位、多角度、近距离地感受到中国人的精神风貌,触摸当今中国发展的时代脉搏。8月14日,“艺术与和平——中国当代美术作品展”亮相英伦,被誉为“伦敦三十年来见过的最好的中国美术展” 。11月24日,“艺术与和平——中国当代美术作品展”在格鲁吉亚圆满收官。
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The most beautiful grass-roots cadres -- kikumi Dorje (oil painting) Li Wuliang Hao Peng Hong Mingchuan (selected works of free Chinese Federation, China Artists Association, China National Museum hosted the "most beautiful Chinese Chinese -- to celebrate the nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party held large-scale art exhibition")
In 2017, Chinese Fine Arts went out of the country and went deep into the world, deeply rooted in the grass roots and into the countryside. It had both the new atmosphere brought by the art exhibition and the sense of mission to help build the community of human destiny. In 2017, nineteen held the party, China Association held the "practice of literary thought of Xi Jinping to celebrate the party's nineteen big held Chinese artists' report to the people '10 young artists' life, deeply rooted in people's" works exhibition "made a report to the broad masses of the people. In the old revolutionary base areas such as Gansu, Longxi, Zhejiang and Tonglu, we can still see the figure of Chinese artists, and show the spirit of China through sketching and creating works. In the 2017 art drama, new thinking and new ideas collided and exchanged. The art circles have strengthened the people oriented creation guidance. Artists are deeply rooted in life and rooted in the people. They strive to create more classic works worthy of the times and people.
Go to the people
In January 6th, "the fifth western minority artists' creative exhibition" opened in Beijing and opened the curtain of the 2017 Chinese art. The exhibition shows 60 pieces of traditional Chinese paintings, oil paintings and prints produced by the Western Ethnic artists. Their works are extensive, novel and diverse. And then, the exhibition has also been in Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, Baotou, Yixing, Panjin and other places. In July 3rd, "the sixth western minority youth artists' high research class painting exhibition" was held in Beijing again. The two session of the exhibition are full of unique national temperament, but also reflects the distinctive characteristics of the times, also can feel the western minority of young artists in the sense of mission and responsibility, fully demonstrated the fruitful results since 2011 the project organization and implementation of the "western minority art talents training and development plan".
In February 22nd, 2017, Chinese Meixie "China China Federation spirit China dream - beautiful country" sketching folk songs creation activities started in Jiangxi area, March and have organized more than 70 artists went to Gansu Longxi, Zhejiang Tonglu old revolutionary base areas, feel the red culture, warm memory, revolutionary experience, new look of the old perception changes of the times. The creation of excellent works, show the spirit of the time. In May 23rd, 2017, Chinese Meixie "China China Federation spirit China dream - beautiful country" sketching folk songs works exhibition held in Beijing, exhibited a nearly painter painting, watercolor painting, a total of 124 pieces of works. As one of the "Chinese China Federation spirit China dream" theme of literary creation project, "Chinese spirit China dream - beautiful countryside for sketching folk songs creation" to "Chinese spirit China dream" as the theme, to depict the most beautiful villages for the creation of purpose, adhere to the fundamental direction for serving the people and socialism. Adhere to the people-centered, the creation, the Chinese rural comprehensive and detailed and in-depth description show the results of China's rural landscape changes and social development in the new period of socialism, through creative painting exhibition to carry forward the spirit of China.
In October 11th, nineteen held a practice of Xi Jinping's literary thought: "China Artists Celebrate the party's report to the people '10 young artists' life, deeply rooted in people's" works exhibition "held. In order to implement the spirit of the work of the forum, to promote the "people" concept of creation, Chinese Meixie this year launched the "deep into life, rooted in the people" of the folk songs of the provinces plan selected artists consistently recommended in the basic sketch, creative artists, and ultimately by the Chinese Association identified 10 artists to participate in the theme of practical activities. They carried out tasks and tasks, in-depth grass-roots, long time sketching, collecting materials, creating footprints across 10 provinces, and completed over 100 works. These works are full of full - bodied breath of life, full of sincere people's feelings. From October to December, Chinese China Meixie in literary and art circles, the party's nineteen after starting the "grassroots" activities send joy, the organization has to go to Gansu, Zhejiang, Longnan. Lishui, Yunnan, Mengla provinces condolences, take practical action to study and implement the spirit of nineteen.
"Epic" theme creation and thematic exhibition
In 2017, it was the important year for the nineteen major convening, the founding of the PLA was 90th anniversary, and the return of Hongkong to 20th anniversary. Therefore, China artists will combine themes and thematic exhibition depth, proactively planning, organizing, and actively mobilize the enthusiasm of participation, artists carefully created, launched a series of intensive scale and influence of "epic" themes and the theme of the exhibition, praise, praise of the motherland, to eulogize the hero. Show the new achievements of socialist art career, so that the two complement each other, aroused enthusiastic response.
In June 23rd, China Meixie and Chinese literature and art foundation co sponsored the celebration of Hongkong's return to the motherland 20th anniversary National China painting exhibition "held in Chinese art museum. Good for the organization of the exhibition, Chinese artists attach great importance to careful planning, and as an important measure to further implement the general secretary Xi Jinping on the work of a series of speech and the concrete practice. The exhibition received all over the country from more than 5500 pieces of works. After the review, the exhibition finally exhibited more than 200 works.
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