笔墨随时代 丹青绘山河—中国世界级艺术大师陈范钧精品赏析




陈范钧, 笔名江帆。号峰澜阁山人。中国著名书法家,诗人。1930年立春日出生。江苏省苏州市人。中共党员。享受国务院特殊津贴。现为中国文学艺术界联合会(世界名人艺术研究协会)名誉主席,法国卢浮宫博物馆名誉副馆长,荷兰梵高博物馆终身名誉馆长,比利时皇家艺术院终身院士和荣誉教授,中国文化金融发展联合会常务理事长等。

荣获中共中央 国务院 中央军委颁发“中国人民志愿军抗美援朝出国作战70周年纪念章”。

荣获特聘 《联合国世界卫生组织.环球文化传递大使》终身荣誉奖,被授予联合国和平勋章,受聘担任《联合国文艺宣传大使》,并荣获世界教科文杰出贡献奖,环球艺术最高成就奖,首屆人类文明贡献奖等。


    传略及作品入编《世界人物辞海》,《世界艺术大师》,《世界艺术典范》,《世界艺术之巅--..法 艺术大家三人行》,《世界当代艺术名家大典》(首席艺术顾问),《国魂国艺--古今传世八大名家长卷》(10.08米书画长卷),《一带一路一国礼-艺术国粹大师个人集》(其封面印有和三叶虫化石上雕刻习近平主席和陈范钧头像),《中华国礼艺术大师》,《大国巨匠》,《中国艺术大家》,《影响世界华人盛典》,《大国崛起文化力量》等。被授予“中欧文化形象大使”,“国家文化输出战略形象大使”,“中国文艺国际推广代表人物”,“国家文化遗产大师”,“德艺双馨艺术大师”等称号。

出版《北京地铁<艺脉相承>主题巡展水晶本》,《陈范钧精品集》(中国国粹 艺术传承 水晶版本)等五部书法集。



 Chen Fanjun, pen name Jiang Fan. People from Lange Mountain, Mount Hao Feng. Famous Chinese calligrapher and poet. Born on Li Chun Day in 1930. Born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Member of the Communist Party of China Enjoy special allowances from the State Council. He is currently the Honorary Chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Artistic Circles (World Celebrity Art Research Association), Honorary Vice Curator of the Louvre Museum in France, Lifetime Honorary Curator of the Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands, Lifetime Academician and Honorary Professor of the Royal Academy of Arts in Belgium, and Executive Chairman of the China Federation for Cultural and Financial Development.

 Received the "Commemorative Medal for the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army's Anti American and Aid Korean War Abroad" issued by the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China and the State Council.

 Received the Lifetime Honorary Award of the United Nations World Health Organization Ambassador for Global Cultural Transmission, was awarded the United Nations Medal of Peace, was appointed as the United Nations Ambassador for Literary and Art Promotion, and was awarded the World Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education, the highest achievement award in global art, and the first Human Civilization Contribution Award.

 And was rated as one of the top ten outstanding artists of the Republic; Top ten national treasure level artists. The work has been made into three "national ceremonies".

 Biographies and works have been included in the "World Figures Dictionary", "World Art Masters", "World Art Models", "Top of World Art - Three People of Chinese, Italian, and French Artists", "World Contemporary Art Masters Classic" (Chief Art Advisor), "National Soul and National Art - Long Scroll of Eight Famous Masters from Ancient to Modern Times" (10.08 meter long scroll of calligraphy and painting),   Awarded the titles of "Ambassador of China Europe Cultural Image", "Ambassador of National Cultural Export Strategy", "Representative of International Promotion of Chinese Literature and Art", "Master of National Cultural Heritage", "Master of Virtue and Art Shuangxin Art", etc.

 Published five calligraphy collections, including "The Crystal Edition of the Beijing Subway's Theme Tour of Art Inheritance" and "Chen Fanjun's Collection of Fine Works" (the Crystal Version of Chinese National Essence Art Inheritance).

  In 2015, he was invited to participate in a calligraphy and painting exhibition celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA. His works were also exhibited in St. Petersburg, Russia, Seoul, South Korea, Osaka, Japan, Beijing, China, and Taiwan. 



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